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Review: Make sure your breathing the right air with Brid

Have you ever thought about the air quality of your home, work or car? Has it ever been an important part of your life, well it should be and here’s why? Air Quality is a major contributor to your health and overall wellness. It can have an impact on your sleep, sinuses or whether or not you get sick in flu season.

To help with this problem Atellani has launched Brid, its a HomeKit connected smart Air Purifier which launched on Kickstarter and Indigogo last year. Now it’s shipping and it’s completely changed the air in my home, clear of VOCs, NOX, viruses, and pollen (we will see how this performs in Spring next month when I get hay fever).

Now let’s get this sorted, Brid doesn’t look like an Air Purifier. It looks like a high-end speaker mixed with a futuristic spaceship in a beautiful shell which has been meticulously been put together in Italy! Brid doesn’t feel cheap either, it features several different designs featuring silver and dark blue aluminium or white metal with an oak bottom.

Brid features a modular design and can be expanded over time. The filters are made from ceramic meaning you don’t need to order a new one each year, you just take it out and clean it under a tap and put it back in. Brid uses a patented ‘Clean Photocatalysis’ technology to make the purifier smaller and more compact. Normal air purifiers have one big flaw, they need UV light to function, which creates ozone. Instead of using UV lights, Brid is the first of its kind to use LED visible lights making it the only air purifier on the market to create no ozone.

Brid is designed to remove harmful pollutants from the air. Here is what it breaks down:

  • Carbon Monoxide
  • Pollutants such as Nitrogen Dioxide, NOX, VOC’s (hairspray or spray deodorant), Passive Smoke (think BBQ or burnt toast), Cleaning agents and more
  • Allergens such as Pollens, dander, ash, dust and more
  • Bacteria and Viruses such as Influenza, Rhinovirus (common cold), Fungus, Molds and more

What are these things and why should you be worried about them being in your air?

If you suffer from hayfever or asthma you should be careful about what’s in your air. In Spring, for example, Brid can remove pollens from the air to make it easier for you to breathe, or if you suffer from asthma Brid can remove the VOC’s from air fresheners, deodorants and hairsprays to make it easier for you to breathe.

If you don’t suffer from breathing problems it’s still important to worry about what’s in your air. Brid removes many chemicals from the air that cause cancers and can also make sure you’re not breathing in viruses and bacteria that could make you sick.

My room suffers from mould growing on the windows in winter, which sets off my allergies. Now I use a combination of a dehumidifier to take the moisture out of the room and the Brid to kill off the mould spores in the air. This process has resulted in air that definitely smells clean.

Whats great about the Brid app is it tracks the air in the room and alerts you when the air is bad. Here are some screenshots from the Brid app from a space of around 12 hrs:

There is a lot more I can say about Brid but I’ll leave it with this. If you have the money definitely go out and buy one. It’s a great investment for your home and your body.

Brid starts at around $450 + shipping on Indigogo OnDemand.

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